I just got the ceiling of my house re-insulated this week so I asked Sam at InsulationPlus how it works.
This is how he explained it to me:
On a hot summers day, the air in your ceiling gets very hot and if your layer of insulation (eg PinkBatts) is thin or has gaps, that hot air gets pushed down into your living areas, making your house hot. On a cold winters day, the air in your ceiling is cold so when your insulation is thin or has gaps, the warm air from your living area gets sucked up into the ceiling cavity.
So it seems to me that air doesn’t like to have hot and cold patches it likes to be an even temperature in whatever space it occupies.
A lot like my wife actually.
P.S. Thank you to the New Zealand Government for the EECA “Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority” EnergyWise programme, through which we got $2381.56 of ceiling & underfloor insulation for just $952.62.
Sam who did the initial inspection and will be coming back in the next few days for the final sign-off. Really nice guy who explained my options clearly. A real pro.
The 3 guys who did the actual installation on the day (can’t remember their names sorry). They worked fast, finished ahead of schedule, and performed a top quality job
And especially to Bob, the owner, who rang us several times to make sure everything was going smoothly. Amazing service.
Even thought most of my household bills come as pdf’s via email these days (Genesis Energy, Vodafone Internet), some still come via snail mail (Telecom phone line, Kiwibank MasterCard).
Those snail mail bills often come with a freepost envelope included.
Next time I get one, I’m going to:
Cross out the address on the front
Write my brothers address on it instead
And put a post-it note inside that just says “Cher!”
What are you going to do with your next freepost envelope?
Write a letter to your aunty perhaps? Or to yourself so you can time how long the letter takes to arrive?
The one time I was walking around the back of my Dads house when I noticed a large patch of dead grass just outside his bedroom window.
It was almost a perfect circle about 40cm in diameter.
I thought it was curious but I didn’t think much of it, until I walked around to the other side of the house and saw a similar, but smaller patch of dead grass.
This window was in the hallway just accross from my dads bedroom…
This really got me thinking.
The answer came to me out of the blue. Piss.
My dads house is actually an old office building that used to have about 10 people working in it. It is very long and between his bedroom and the toilet there are 2 hallways and 2 large open spaces which are at opposite ends. One of the hallways has a cold linolium floor and is lined with concrete block so it can be very cold in the middle of the night.
So Dad was saving himself the walk by pissing out his bedroom window.
I challenged him and he confessed.
“Dad, one thing I can’t figure out though – why the secondary patch?”
He explained “Ah, yes, well I noticed that the primary patch was becoming quite large and thought I better give it a rest so every alternate night I piss out the window in the hallway opposite the bedroom”.
I have felt guilty for a long time about having a raised vegetable bed at the back of my property (that the previous owners installed), but only using it for grass clippings.
After months of “encouragement” from both sides of the family we finally agreed to get into it.
I was a little shocked at the pricetag of the first trip to a garden centre at about $80 and wondered even then if we were going to get a return on investment.
Here’s is a break down of our expenses and our harvest over the 3 month period.
Bag of Compost: $20
Pots: $20
Seedlings: $3 x 15 = $45
Pesticides: $6 x 3 = $18
Water: 300 litres x 90 days = 27 m3 (27,000 litres) @ $1.24/m3 = $30
Total: $133.00
Bok choy x 9. Value each $3 x 9 = $24
Lettuce x 5. Value each $3 x 5 = $15
Brocolli x 2. Value each $3 x 2 = $6
Cabbage x 2. Value each $3 x 2 = $6
Potatoes x 1.5kg. Value $5
Silverbeet/Spinach x 2. Value each $2 x 2 = $4
Cauliflower x 1. Value each $3 x 1 = $3
Beans x 150grms. Value $0.50
Total: $63.50
Return on investment = $63.50 – $133.00 = -$69.50
Backyard Vegetable Gardens of this size are not viable based purely on the expenses and harvest, without taking into account the opportunity cost of the labour component, which can be calculated as follows:
This one time I burst my eardrum on a hydroslide and it hurt like hell.
(Also known as “perforated eardrum” or “ruptured eardrum”)
I was careening down the hydroslide at Waimarino Adventure Park during a Christmas party at work – head first, on a hydroslide mat.
The hydroslide ends with a 1.5 metre drop into the river.
The kayak hydroslide with the 1.5m drop into the river
As I was in mid-air I turned my head to the right just before I hit the water (foolish!).
The water shot into my ear at high velocity, I heard a “BANG!!” as I entered the water.
Thank god I was wearing a life-jacket because when I bobbed back to the surface I was in such pain I couldn’t even doggy-paddle.
The world was spinning. It felt like someone was pushing on my head to try and dunk me back into the water.
All I could do was hold my head in my hands and try not to spew.
I yelled to one of my workmates for help, thankfully he was close by on the river bank.
I’m known for my pranks and office shenanigans but thank goodness he took me seriously and jumped in immediately to rescue me.
Perhaps it was the blood that was trickling from my ear that told him I was serious.
Another workmate jumped in too (he’s a part-time surf lifesaver) and they pulled me to the bank.
It took about 15 minutes for the vertigo to subside to the point where I could walk. But I still felt too sick to eat the huge BBQ dinner that was now ready to eat. I also have a reputation for a big appetite – especially for free food – so it was sad to let the team down on that one.
A trip to the A&E confirmed a perforated eardrum. But thankfully I healed fast and there was no permanent damage.
A few months later I was in the surf when I turned my head at just the wrong moment when a wave was crashing down on me and “BANG!” I burst it again!
I stumbled back to my wife on the beach holding my head. I still felt sick this time, but the perforation must have been very small because I recovered in 10 minutes and didn’t feel the need to see a doctor this time.
To prevent this from happening again I always tuck my chin and and “head-butt” waves. It works. Try it.